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    a game by 7 Studios, Inc. Platform: PC Rate this game: Now I love pirates, and hearing Depp recreate Jack Sparrow on my computer is a fine way to get my hand reaching into the wicker basket of Classic medals we keep in the office. Sadly, Depp's involvement adds buggery-nuts to the gameplay here. Even that sense of guilt that goes with bitching about a game aimed at children doesn't make up for the scurvy rot in Jack Sparrow's marrow. The script and acting is great, but the imagination going into the levels is hugely lacking - the first two bosses are killed in identical ways (simply throw axes, no timing required), the lack of colour is unexciting, and I'd like to think that children who play Jack Sparrow will be annoyed by the strong sense that they're being patronised by someone who hasn't even proved his own intelligence. On first inspection, it looks great - and once you've got your head around the controls, which are unnecessarily linked to a series of icons rather than keys, you'll settle into some lip-stretchingly repetitive hacking. Legend Of Jack Sparrow really wants to be Devil May Cry or God of War - with lots of fighting, soft-heavy attack combos and regular attack upgrades - but the upgrades are barely noticeable, and the combos are so watered down as to be just another way of attacking. It's neither swash nor buckle. Pirates May Be innately cool, but they're no guarantee of quality. For every Monkey Island, there's a Tortuga, and for every drunken, loveless Johnny Depp, there's a stupid, romantic Errol Flynn. Look, you pirates - Dr Who doesn't go around falling in love with lady Timelords; you lot would do well to behave with similar decorum. Install Game. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow. See also: Pirates Games.




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    Currently we use GeForce GTX 1060. It represents an Avg FPS at high graphics settings played on a 1080p resolution monitor. The accompanying CPU and RAM are always considered top end components, so that the bottleneck is always the graphics card."> The graphics card used will be periodically voted on by GD community. Tip, visit the graphics card page (there is a link next to the FPS number) and compare your graphics card to it to give you a personal point of reference. Main Score reflects how great this pc game is on this platform. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members. A 10 means this pc game is perfect in all regards and will appeal to every gamer. Lifespan score reflects how much gameplay this pc game has in it. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members. A high Lifespan score could represent a short fun game, which can be replayed again and again or it could be a game that takes a long time to complete. Please login to add your score for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow Lifespan played on the pc . Please login to add your score for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow Graphics played on the pc . Value score reflects how much enjoyment this pc game delivers compared to how much it costs. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members. A high Value score will let people know that this game is worth its cost. As a game cost goes down over time the Value score may go up to reflect its better value. Pirates of the caribbean - the legend of jack sparrow download. Graphics score reflects how great the visuals are for this pc game. Based on scores by our most trusted members. Please login to add your score for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow Value played on the pc . Please login to add your score for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow Value played on the pc .




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    Currently we use GeForce GTX 1060. It represents an Avg FPS at high graphics settings played on a 1080p resolution monitor. The accompanying CPU and RAM are always considered top end components, so that the bottleneck is always the graphics card."> Tip, visit the graphics card page (there is a link next to the FPS number) and compare your graphics card to it to give you a personal point of reference. Lifespan score reflects how much gameplay this pc game has in it. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members. A high Lifespan score could represent a short fun game, which can be replayed again and again or it could be a game that takes a long time to complete. Pirates of the caribbean - the legend of jack sparrow download. The graphics card used will be periodically voted on by GD community. Value score reflects how much enjoyment this pc game delivers compared to how much it costs. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members. A high Value score will let people know that this game is worth its cost. As a game cost goes down over time the Value score may go up to reflect its better value. Please login to add your score for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow Graphics played on the pc . Graphics score reflects how great the visuals are for this pc game. Based on scores by our most trusted members. Please login to add your score for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow Lifespan played on the pc . Please login to add your score for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow Value played on the pc . Please login to add your score for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow Value played on the pc . Main Score reflects how great this pc game is on this platform. This is an average score out of 10 left by our most trusted members. A 10 means this pc game is perfect in all regards and will appeal to every gamer.




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    Description. There are no PlayStation 2 user screenshots for this game. Gameplay flows much like other third-person action-adventures such as God of War or Demon Stone. Players can fight alone, or team up with a friend to conquer the fast-paced, hack and slash romp through exotic locations. Other features include a player-controlled upgrade system, along with a diverse set of sword fighting and grappling moves. Puzzles in the form of mini-games can be found throughout the game's 20+ levels. There are 38 other screenshots from other versions of this game or official promotional screenshots. Colorful Captain Jack Sparrow weaves a tale tall as only he is capable, retelling events fans have come love, and adding new and even more far fetched adventures. Accompanying Captain Jack on his journey of fancy are the young Will Turner and his bride to be Elizabeth Swann. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow (PlayStation 2) Screenshots.




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    Check your inbox soon for more information. Pirates of the caribbean - the legend of jack sparrow download. Media producers love entertainment that has a built-in buying audience. Why else would anybody spend millions to make wretched movies such as The Dukes of Hazard ? For the fan base, of course. And that's also why movie studios create sequels for every film that even flirts with hit status. If moviegoers will pay oodles of cash for one crowd-pleasing pic, then surely they'll love six more just like it. Plugged In helps college student stand-up for his belief. Well, video game creators have been paying attention. And they're throwing their hats into the ring, too. Shrek, X-Men, Spider-Man, The Lord of the Rings, Batman Begins, Cars and Harry Potter are but a few of the many hit movie-to-game adaptations purchased by the devoted masses. And Bethesda Softworks, grabbing the rights to the blockbuster Pirates of the Caribbean, hope that bedazzled Jack Sparrow groupies will follow suit. But movie-based games raise a question that squawks like a parrot on a pirate's shoulder: "Awwk! Is it fun?" Better yet, "Is it good fun?" Which is too bad. Because I think Bethesda Softworks was earnestly trying to create a family oriented game . Coders geared all the gameplay down to its easiest form so that younger players (and mom and dad) could just pick up the game controller and go. They even came up with a pithy narrative that strains out most of the scarier elements of the films. The problem is that the game (like the movies) has this way of romanticizing lying and thieving pirates. And to top it off, it's kind of like swabbing the decks all day—a little boring. And that's one title that Jack Sparrow would never stomach. Thank You for your support! "I am at a loss for words to adequately express how much it means to my husband and me to know that there is an organization like Focus that is rooting for us. Just today I was reading Psalm 37 and thinking about how your ministry provides ways to 'dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.' We have two teenagers and an 8-year-old in our household. Plugged In has become a significant compass for our family. All three of our kids are dedicated to their walk with Christ but they still encounter challenges. Thanks for all of your research and persistence in helping us navigate through stormy waters." The game begins in earnest now, as Jack, Will and Elizabeth are all players in Jack's fantastic (and mostly fabricated) memories that weave in and around the action of the first Pirates movie. This storytelling device allows the history-revising Jack and his friends to jump from exploit to exploit in the blink of an eye. They fight their way through 24 levels of angry enemies including frozen Vikings in Arctic wastelands, magically animated clay statues and dragons in Asian temples and, of course, the cursed Captain Barbossa and his skeletal minions. Mom thinks Plugged In is the ‘BEST Christian media review site’ You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. Our hope is that whether you're a parent, youth leader or teen, the information and tools at Plugged In will help you and your family make appropriate media decisions. We are privileged to do the work we do, and are continually thankful for the generosity and support from you, our loyal readers, listeners and friends. "Our family doesn't go to the movies until we go online and check out your assessment of a given film. I think this is the BEST Christian media review website that I've found, and I recommend it to my family and friends. Keep up the good work!" The game keeps its head above the bilgewater by making sure that all defeated foes flash with bursts of light as swords find their mark and then disappear quickly without blood or gore. There is some drinking of rum in one bar scene, but colorful pirate lingo is mostly held in check. Irate mateys say, "Ye gods" and "I've been hiding in them swamps since sundown. I'll be pulling leeches off me netherparts for ages," which is the strongest language to be heard. “Even though I don’t consider myself a Christian, I find your Plugged In Web site useful and thought-provoking. No one reviews movies like you do. Instead of being judgmental, you put entertainment ‘on trial.’ After presenting the evidence, you allow the jury of your readers to decide for themselves what they should do. In my opinion, you bring sanity and order to the wild world of modern day entertainment. Keep up the good work!” Ehhhhh? Or Arrrrrr! Playing the game, in one or two player mode, is pretty simple. Maybe a little too simple. Because there just isn't a lot of pirate stuff to do here. No sailing and battling on the high seas and no real yo-ho-ho treasure hunts, either. (There are a few logic puzzles/minigames, but they're much too short.) You do fight horde after horde of ugly undead warriors and monsters. Which means Pirates is essentially a button masher with two buttons devoted to swinging your sword and one to picking things up. When you slash enemies, break crates and open treasure chests (scattered here and there) you acquire health restoring gems and gold that can be exchanged for upgrades to your basic skills. But your enemies keep pace with any improvements you make, so it works out as a wash. You can also block, kick and throw things (like flaming jugs of grog), but hewing through the bad guys is pretty much all that's required. SUPPORT THE WORK OF PLUGGED IN. Plugged In brings ‘Sanity and Order’ to Non-believer. Sign up for a campaign update. Game Review. Weigh Anchor With Jack Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow starts where the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl ended. Jack (voiced by Johnny Depp) talks his swashbuckling blacksmith friend Will Turner into helping him find—steal—a valuable artifact stashed within a Spanish fortress. They parry and slash their way to the treasure but are betrayed and left to face the gallows at the hands of angry Spaniards. However, before they swing, Jack steps forward for his last words. He tells them they can call him a thief and scoundrel (as long as they call him Captain), but here's the truth of what's transpired. The crowd of onlookers and officials settle in for a long and hopefully entertaining story. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow. "Thanks for the great job you do in posting movie and television reviews online. I’m a college freshman and I recently had a confrontational disagreement with my English professor regarding an R-rated film. It is her favorite movie and she wanted to show it in class. I went to your Web site to research the film’s content. Although I had not seen the movie myself, I was able to make an educated argument against it based on the concerns you outlined. The prof said that she was impressed by my stand and decided to poll the whole class and give us a choice. We overwhelmingly voted to watch a G-rated movie instead! I’ve learned that I can trust your site and I will be using it a lot in the future.”




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